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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

Identifikasi Perubahan Mutu Selama Penyimpanan Buah Manggis Menggunakan Near Infra Red Spectroscopy . Sutrisno; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; Emmy Darmawati; Enrico Syaefullah
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.675 KB)


One of quality changes during storage of intact mangosteen fruit is firmness. This occurrence was predicted to have associate with moisture content in the pericarp. The objective of this research was to determine the correlation between moisture content and firmness, and to predict moisture content changes based on reflectance spectrum of near infra red (NIR). The correlation between moisture content and firmness at 13 °C is y = 0.07972x2 – 9.833x + 305.9 while at room temperature showed y = 0.1207x2 – 14.89x + 460.8; in which y refers to firmness and x refers to moisture content in pericarp. The calibration and validation evaluation using partial least square of moisture content resulted in NIR and oven method showed that the magnitude of r is 0.758-0.882; RMSEC and RMSEP is 0.09-0.39%; CV<5% is at 2.5-3.3%. Moisture content prediction using NIR reflectant spektrum is y (temperature:8 °C) = -0.057x + 65.14; y (temperature 13 °C) = -0.253x + 64.96; y (room temperature) = -0.421x + 64.76. 
Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Lapisan Biji pada Akurasi Prediksi Kandungan Minor Biji Kopi Arabika Hijau Bondowoso dengan NIR Spectroscopy Sri Citra Yuliana Madi; I Wayan Budiastra; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; Sukrisno Widyotomo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 23 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.168 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.23.2.81


Void space in the bean layers will lead to the occurrence of non-fully interacted radiation (NFIR) affecting the reproducibility of NIRS measurements. Void space in addition to being affected by particle size is also influenced by the number/thickness of the bean layers. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of number of bean layer variation on prediction accuracy of caffeine, chlorogenic acid and trigonelline in Bondowoso green Arabica coffee beans by NIR Spectroscopy (NIRS). The study was conducted using three kind of layers, i.e. 3, 4, and 5 layers, with 100 samples each. Samples were measured by FT-NIR spectrometer in wavelength of 1.000-2.500 nm. The pretreatment method used were second derivative (dg2), the combination of first derivative (dg1) and Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC), and the combination of dg2 and MSC, while calibration method used was Partial Least Square (PLS). The results shows that the accuracy of 5 layers was better than 3 or 4 layers. The best calibration and validation for caffeine was obtained by dg2 pretreatment and 6 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.01%; SEP = 0.01%; and RPD = 5.40), for chlorogenic acid was by dg2 pretreatment and 5 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.09%; SEP = 0.09%; and RPD = 4.76), whereas for trigonelline was by combination of (dg2, MSC) and 5 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.01%; SEP = 0.01%; and RPD = 4.86). Therefore, the 5 layers can be used as a reference in NIRS measurement of coffee beans.
Co-Authors . Sutrisno Akeme Cyril Njume Akhirudin Maddu Akrom, Akrom Ali Khumaidi Alvita Sekar Sarjani Andi Muhammad Akram Mukhlis Armansyah H. Tambunan Ayu Putri Ana Bruce A. Welt, Bruce A. Chusnul Arief Cicih Sugianti Desrial Desrial Dewi Apri Astuti Dondy A Setyabudi Dwi Dian Novita Edy Hartulistiyoso Emmy Darmawati Endah Retno Palupi Enrico Syaefullah Erizal Hambali Evi Savitri Iriani Fandra Wiratama Farkhan . Hadi Karia Purwadaria, Hadi Karia Hari Wijayanto Herna Permata Sari HERRY SUHARDIYANTO Heru Sukoco I Nyoman Jaya Wistara I Wayan Budiastra Indah Kurniasari Iriani, Evi Savitri Ismi M.Idris Iswara, Vidya Kukuh Murtilaksono Kurniawan Yuniarto Lina Karlinasari Merry Sabed Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Musdalifah, Nuzlul Nanik Purwanti Nisa, Khaerun Novriaman Pakpahan Nurul Khumaida Olly S. Hutabarat Palupi, Endah R. Paulus Sukusno Priyantono, Eko Putri Wulandari Zainal Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan Ririn Noerianty Effendi ROEDHY POERWANTO Rokhani Hasbullah Sandro Pangidoan Siahaan Sandro Pangidoan Siahaan Seiichi Oshita Setiawan, Asep Setyo Purwanto Setyo Purwanto Siti Nikmatin Slamet Budijanto Slamet Widodo Slamet Widodo Sobir Sobir Sony Hartono Wijaya Sri Citra Yuliana Madi Sukrisno Widyotomo Supijatno, . Suryani, Ani Sut risno Sutrisno . Sutrisno Mardjan Tengku Mia Rahmiati Tieneke Mandang Titi Candra Sunarti dan Michael (E-Jurnal Agro-Industri Indonesia) Ummah, Narjisul Usman Ahmad Wawan Hermawan Weliana Rudi Widyaningrum Widyaningrum Widyaningrum Widyaningrum Wulandari Zainal, Putri Yose Rizal Kurniawan Yoshinori Kawagoe Yoshio Makino Yudi Chadirin Yusuf, Sri Malahayati